Use Syncthing to synchronize MarsEdit Local Drafts

Before committing to using MarsEdit for posting, I had to be able to switch between my desktop and laptop while working on a local draft. I configured Syncthing to synchronize the local draft folders between the two computers.

I close MarsEdit on one computer before starting it on the other. The Macs are Apple Silicon, both running OS version 14.6.1 and MarsEdit version 5.2.5.

Configure Macs

  • Install Syncthing on both computers
  • Ensure that MarsEdit is not running on either computer.
  • Add this folder path to Syncthing on one of the computers and share it with the other:
    /Users/THE-USER/Library/Group Containers/
    Application Support/
  • Accept the share on the other computer and use the same path for it.

Now, your local drafts will appear on both computers.


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